Ingrid Pfau, 34, is from Birmingham, Alabama. She was born with CP on the right side of her body. She has a twin sister as well as two other sisters. Her mother is from Chile, and her father is from Birmingham. Her family and friends are very important to her.
She was diagnosed with epilepsy at her first year at UAB as an undergraduate student when she was 18. Medically speaking, her seizures are drug resistant. She takes two drugs, Keppra and X-Copri to help with the focal impaired awareness seizures (complex partial seizures), and Tonic-Clonic Seizures (Grandmal seizures). A Vagas Nerve stimulator (VNS), inserted three-and-a-half years ago, helps with keeping the seizures shorter, however, she never goes a week without having a Focal Onset Awareness Seizure (Complex Partial Seizure) where she loses complete awareness of her body.
When asked if she would want to get rid of Seizures and CP she says "No" simply because they are part of who she is. Of course, she would love to drive and have a bit more independence, but she finds that companionship while traveling, hiking, and swimming are always just as nice as trying to do those things alone.